
Finally Friday

This has been the most hellish three day week that I can recall. Or, as one would say in Japan if they had the language skills of a 2 year old, こんしゅうわいくありませんでした. And now I just spent like 5 minutes fixing my font. That'll show me for trying to type in Japanese. Anyway, test today wasn't too bad. There wasn't really much that studying in the classical sense could have done to prepare me better, since most of it was just practice to get a feel for word order and appropriate particles and all that jazz. I had to cut my dialogue much shorter than what I would have liked, though. I asked that Japanese girl to see a movie with me on Saturday about 15 seconds into the conversation. I guess I'm just a player like that. I had another test earlier in the morning that I was and am still a lot more worried about, both because the class is horrible and there are only 2 tests total for that course.

Oh yeah, and I turn 21 next week. Yay.

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