
Peer Editing Thoughts

Although I doubt peer editing would be something I'd want to do on a regular basis, it has been a learning experience. Looking at the errors others make hones my critical eye for my own writings. Also, I can see some creative uses of our limited vocabulary to add to my own repertoire. Peer review can also be helpful in a way that a seasoned Japanese speaker's perspective cannot provide. While Sato-sensei can easily tell us if something is grammatically incorrect or just awkward, I'd imagine it'd be difficult for her to in an attempt to rephrase what we are trying to say restrict her mindset to the words that we have available to us this early in our studies. Our classmates, on the other hand, can simply try their best to manipulate what we know to try to say something. Naturally, sometimes this is impossible, but often some creative thinking can get around it. Lastly, peer editing helps to open communications between the classmates. We should always be able to and try to help each other when needed and this assignment makes that a more natural development.

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